Dr. Harlan Kilstein Presents:

Naturally Thin

The 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge

( Lose Weight or Double Your Money Back)

So, you're still struggling to lose weight...

Girl, you are not alone.

Most of us have tried (and failed) multiple times. Most of us have tried more than one diet. Most of us have endured those sweaty workouts. Most of us have been scammed with miracle pills or gadgets... And most of us have gone through the frustration of stepping on the scale only to discover all that time and effort have been in vain.

Let me share some good news - It’s NOT your fault.

You just haven’t found the right way to do it (yet). Think about it for a minute. If all those diets, pills, and gadgets worked as promised... Everyone would be thin and beautiful. And the obesity rates in our country would be going down instead of up. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

And still, I know that with a little bit of help...

  • You CAN melt away all the excess weight - and keep it off!
  • You CAN feel proud when you look in the mirror every morning
  • You CAN gain back your power, energy, and confidence
  • You CAN live the slim, healthy, and happy life you've always wanted

And right now, I'm going to show you how to make it happen...

Here's why diets never work as they should

The main problem with diets is that they focus entirely on food. And yes, while the way you eat is what actually shapes your body - it is only ONE part of the puzzle!

The main problem with diets is that they focus entirely on food. And yes, while the way you eat is what actually shapes your body - it is only ONE part of the puzzle!

Starving yourself never works. And what’s the first thing most diets do? That’s right, they deprive you of all the foods you love and severely limit the portions you’re able to eat.

You are left alone, relying only on your willpower.

And we all know what happens to willpower after a stressful week. We all know what happens when you’ve been eating rabbit food for weeks and invited to a dinner party with friends. We all know what happens when you’re feeling exhausted and the sugar cravings kick in.

"Hey, it's only one bite"

You know how the story goes. At first, it’s just one bite. Perhaps you are ‘rewarding’ yourself for staying strong for two full weeks. Or maybe you set a ‘cheat day’. Call it whatever you want, but sooner or later the old habits are back.

And once again, you’ve fallen off the wagon. You’ve lost the motivation. You’ve forgotten why you started in the first place. You’re not feeling it anymore. And you stay that way for a few months. Watching helplessly as the weight comes creeping back. Sometimes with a few extra pounds.

Until one day, you hear a friend or a tv talk show raving about a brand new diet that “actually works” - and you start the cycle all over again. Does any of this sound familiar? Well, you'll be glad to know that...

There's a better way to do it

When you focus your time and effort on the right things, success comes easy. Over the past three decades, I’ve helped THOUSANDS of women and men to reach their goals. People from all around the world have already experienced dramatic body transformations - and they are now living happier and healthier lives.

And today, I’m going to help you do the same. And trust me, it's going to be life-changing. So read the following section carefully, because you’re about to discover...

The 3 keys to weight loss success

Is you want to lose the excess weight AND you want to keep it off for good, then you need to be smart about it. And there are three key areas that you need to keep in balance:

Smart Nutrition

Knowing what to eat and when is important. You can use food to flip on your body’s natural fat-burning switch and make it melt away the pounds on command. In order to do this, you’ll need a proven guide and strategic meal planning.


Changing your relationship with food is the trick to permanent weight loss. With a few simple steps, you can break bad habits, reprogram your internal voice, destroy damaging beliefs, get rid of your self-sabotage patterns, and develop the confidence you need to succeed.


Accountability gives you a HUGE advantage. People who follow this rule consistently see faster results and longer-lasting success rates. Because having an expert by your side to keep you motivated, answer your questions, and help you press on makes things a lot easier.

Do you *really* want to lose weight?

Everyone says they want to lose weight. But most people don't actually mean it because they don't know the struggle. So let's figure out if you actually want to lose weight or not.

I’m going to ask you a series of questions. Keep track of how many times you answer “yes”:

  • Are you frustrated about being on the "diet rollercoaster" over and over again?
  • Are you tired of using oversized t-shirts and baggy clothes to hide your figure?
  • Are you sick of not fitting into the clothes you would actually want to wear?
  • Are you self-conscious or embarrassed while wearing a bathing suit?
  • Do you hate the way you look in photos or videos?
  • Do you fear you'll stay at your current weight forever? (or worse, keep going up?)
  • Do you ever wish you could turn back time and make healthier choices?
  • Do you wish you had more self-control at parties and restaurants?
  • Do you hate people who seem to eat whatever they want without ever gaining a pound?
  • Do you ever daydream about what it would be like to be thin?

If you answered “yes” to 3 or more of these questions, you’re in the right place. And you’ll be glad to know that in a matter of weeks, you turn things around, get rid of the excess weight you’ve been carrying around... and keep it off for good. Well, it’s much easier than you think!


Naturally Thin

The 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge

Hosted by Dr. Harlan Kilstein, Naturally Thin is a revolutionary 90-day body transformation experience. It’s an interactive program that takes you by the hand and help you reach your goals quickly and easier than ever before.

The program is divided into three 30-day modules where Dr. Kilstein will guide you through the different stages of weight loss. Here’s what each one covers:

Module 1
The foundation
During the first module, you’ll get a proven method to start burning 4 pounds of fat every single week. You’ll learn how to use food to rev up your metabolism so that it starts using fat (instead of sugar) as its primary fuel source to lose weight quickly and consistently.

You’ll also be provided with a set of mini-workouts designed to speed up your metabolic rate, change your body's biochemistry, and ignite a natural fat-burning process that keeps going and going. These mini-workouts are easy and fun to do... and they work much better than those sweaty hour-long workouts you get at a gym.

Module 2
A new lifestyle
During the second module, you’ll forever change how you look at food. You’ll discover a breakthrough new way of eating (and not eating) that puts you in full control of how fast or slow you want to lose weight.

You’ll never feel starved. You’ll never go hungry. Instead, you’ll be able to eat the most delicious recipes you’ve ever tasted - and melt away the pounds on command.

Module 3
Body sculpting
Belly fat is the most visible, the most uncomfortable, and the most stubborn kind of fat in our bodies. And that’s why this third and final module is focused entirely on your waistline.

Doctor Kilstein will guide you through a science-based method to sculpt your body effortlessly. It’s a multi-step approach that targets the root cause of belly fat: Your body’s microbiome. Through a series of precise and unconventional methods, you’ll reprogram your body to do the work for you and achieve lightning-fast results.

By the end of the 90-day Naturally Thin program, you’ll have either achieved your weight-loss goal - or you’ll be well on your way to reaching it.

Everything you need to succeed is included

The Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge is different from anything you’ve ever seen. Not only is it the most comprehensive weight loss program in existence, it also comes packed with LIVE and interactive components that make it extremely valuable.

Here’s what you’re getting:

Weekly coaching - LIVE

Every week, you’ll be able to attend a live zoom meeting with Dr. Kilstein. During this time he will guide you through the program, share valuable insights and strategies, help you develop a winning mindset, and answer all your most pressing questions about weight loss.

Exclusive digital content

You’ll be able to follow along easily. Every step, every concept, and every strategy are detailed and expertly explained. You’ll never feel lost because you’ll have every bit of information at your fingertips 24/7.

Shopping lists, recipes, and meal plans

You’ll know exactly what to eat, when, and how to prepare it. The program is packed with 90 days worth of mouth-watering recipes designed to get you slim and healthy in record time. Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner included is delicious and easy to prepare.

Accountability group

As part of this program, you'll become part of a vibrant community of like-minded people who are on the same journey. Everyone is friendly and shares new ideas, tips, and motivate each other to keep moving forward. It's a great place to be... and you'll fit right in!

Unlimited support

If you ever get stuck or have any questions regarding the Naturally Thin program, all you have to do is reach out to our moderators or send us an email or pick up the phone and call us. Our team of experts is standing by to help you and provide guidance whenever you need it.

Plus... High-value bonuses you simply can't miss!

There is no doubt in my mind that the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge will help you succeed. However, I want to surpass all your expectations, so I’ve decided to jam-pack the value and overdeliver in every way possible.

To start out, with your order today, you’ll get these incredible bonuses:

Bonus #1

Speed Keto Snacks

This unique digital book is a collection of the tastiest snacks you’ll ever try. Not only are they healthy, but they’ll actually push your body to burn fat even faster.

Bonus #2

Speed Keto Holiday Snacks

The second volume is a must-have. It includes an incredible collection of holiday-themed snacks your entire family can enjoy. They taste so good you won’t believe they’re keto!

Bonus #3

Private Discount Coupons

Every month, you’ll receive an exclusive discount coupon that you can redeem towards any of our sought-after keto supplements (Valid for: Completely Keto Electrolytes, MCT Oil, Keto Smoothies, and Keto Collagen).

Once you graduate from the 90-Day Challenge, you’ll also receive:

Graduation Bonus #1

5-Minute Speed Keto Recipes

A fantastic collection of keto recipes that can be prepared in 5 minutes or less. Just throw the ingredients together and pop them in the pan, the oven, or even the blender... and you’ll have a keto meal ready to be served in just 5 minutes. The perfect time-saver for when you’re in a hurry or simply don’t want to spend your time in the kitchen.

Graduation Bonus #2

Keto Success Secrets

This book is the most comprehensive and in-depth look at the keto diet. Inside, you’ll find a collection of Dr. Harlan Kilstein’s most coveted secrets for accelerated weight loss.

How many pounds will I drop during the challenge?

Everyone starts this challenge from a different place. For some people, losing 20 lbs of body weight is just the starting point. For others, losing 20 lbs is life-changing.

But there is something much more important at play here...

Most people who join Naturally Thin (including you) are metabolically challenged. It’s not that you’re eating too much. It’s not a calorie issue. The real reason why it’s so hard for you to lose weight and keep it off is because your hormones are completely out of kilter.

This means that in order for you to succeed, you need to balance those hormones. When you balance hormones for a long-enough period of time, your metabolism resets and the problem disappears entirely.

This is why endocrinologists are finally realizing that hormonal issues like diabetes can actually be reversed. (And this is after years of doctors claiming Type II diabetes could not be reversed)

So instead of focusing on a particular number of pounds on a scale, we’ll focus on changing your weight and your life for the long term.

And this is why I am happy to extend this one-of-a-kind...

Lose the extra weight or DOUBLE your money back guarantee!

I am absolutely certain that the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge will work for you. In fact, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and offer you a unique double money back guarantee. Here’s how it works:

At the program's start, you’ll measure and weigh yourself and use your phone or camera to snap a “before” photo. Then you’ll go through the program, follow our advice, eat delicious recipes every day, and attend the LIVE zoom calls (or watch the replays)

You will submit accountability records weekly.

After 90 days, you will lose (at least) 10% of your body weight or 4 inches around the waistline. If for any reason you do not, we will personally work with you for up to six additional weeks of treatments until one of these goals is met.

If after going through an additional six weeks of training, you still haven’t met your goals, we’ll issue an instant refund and double your money.

I dare you to walk in to Weight-Watchers, Jenny Craig, LA WeightLoss, Nutri-System, or Quick Weight Loss Centers and ask if they can double your money back if you don't lose weight. You can probably imagine what will happen - they'll probably smirk and start babbling about "company policy".

Think about it. 

I wouldn’t be able to offer this guarantee if I wasn’t absolutely positive that this program will help you reach your goals quickly. So not only do I succeed when you succeed... but if I fail in helping you, it costs me money... How’s that for certainty?

Important Note:
In order to make the double money back guarantee valid, you must begin the program with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 32 and have a minimum of 9 weeks of ketone readings of .8 or greater. 

Let's talk about RESULTS...

You’re here because you want results. Well, we care about your goals just as much as you do. And that’s why we are going to hold you accountable for following the program. This means filling out some introductory information and submitting a few “before” pictures (relax, these are 100% private and we will NEVER share them). You’ll also send us your “after” numbers and photos (once again, these are private).

We will also ask you to hold yourself accountable by attending the live sessions (or at least watching them on replay). If you follow our simple, and we mean really simple program, you will succeed. Period.

Is the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge right for you?

Before you sign up and get started with the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge, there are a few essential things you should know about this program.

You are in control

The program is 100% flexible and adaptable. If you can’t eat certain foods due to allergies or simply because you don’t like them - just talk to us and we’ll tell you what to change and which ingredients to substitute. All you need to do is reach out and tell us!

There is no guesswork involved

There’s nothing to track, nothing to calculate, and nothing for you to figure out. All the hard work has already been done for you. So all you have to do is follow along, eat delicious recipes, and watch in awe as your body starts to change.

You are not alone

You’ll be supported every step of the way. There are weekly LIVE zoom calls where Dr. Kilstein can answer your most pressing questions. There’s an entire team of experts ready to help. And there’s a vibrant community of people on the same journey.

It works... every single time!

Every aspect of the program has been carefully planned and fully tested by Dr. Harlan Kilstein. Every tip and trick, every suggestion, every food item, and every meal. Everything included is designed to work in real-world situations and for real-life people.

Your time is NOW!

The fact that you’re reading these words means that you are ready to do what it takes. You want to change your body and Naturally Thin is the way to do it. So the way I see it, right now you have two choices:

Choice #1:
You can click away from this page, keep trying on your own, and gamble with your health hoping that one of those fad diets actually works. You are an intelligent person and you already know where that road leads - so if that’s where you want to go, I won’t say another word.


Choice #2:
You can accept the challenge, follow a proven and tested program, reach your goals, and start living a healthier, happier, and naturally thin life in just 90 days.

The choice is entirely up to you... and it all starts with your next click. Go ahead, pick the option that works best for you, and I’ll see you inside!

The challenge starts:
October 1st, 2022


You missed out!

YES... I want to join the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge!

Option #1:

One-Time Payment

Introductory price: $600

Your access pass includes:

+ Naturally Thin 90-day program content
+ Weekly LIVE zoom calls with Dr. Kilstein
+ Shopping lists and meal plans
+ 90 days worth of recipes
+ Accountability facebook group
+ Unlimited support (email & phone)
+ Bonus digital books
+ Graduation bonuses

Option #2:

Installment Plan

Three monthly payments of $225

Your access pass includes:

+ Naturally Thin 90-day program content
+ Weekly LIVE zoom calls with Dr. Kilstein
+ Shopping lists and meal plans
+ 90 days worth of recipes
+ Accountability facebook group
+ Unlimited support (email & phone)
+ Bonus digital books
+ Graduation bonuses

Is the price too high?

The Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge is a complete program that includes thorough lifestyle changes and I will do absolutely everything in our power to help you achieve the results you're after.

Consider this for a minute: How much will it cost you to stay overweight over time? How much will it cost to be in ill health? How much will you be spending in medical bills? In hospital bills? And how much more money will you waste in doomed-to-fail diets? The cost of doing nothing far exceeds your investment today.

But more importantly, only YOU can decide if living a slimmer, happier, healthier life is worth to you. A life of energy and vitality. A life where you look and feel the way you've always wanted. I think you are worth it. Do you?

Before you sign up for the Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you ready to look and feel your very best?
  • Are you ready to discover how to use food to melt away unwanted fat?
  • Are you ready to get rid of baggy clothes and replace them with stuff you actually like?
  • Are you ready to smile proudly at your mirror every morning?
  • Are you ready to be naturally thin?

Meet your coach

The Naturally Thin 90-Day Challenge was created by Dr. Harlan Kilstein - renowned nutrition expert. His unique perspectives on ketosis and low-carb health have helped more than 250,000 people live happier and healthier lives... and the reason why more than TWO MILLION people follow his weight loss and health advice all across social media.

Since 1999, Dr. Kilstein has been helping lose the weight and keep it off. Back then, Dr. Kilstein offered the Naturally Thin program for $2077. Today you’ll pay a fraction of that price. His Completely Keto company has a flawless A+ record with the BBB.

Dr. Harlan Kilstein

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